My Etsy Store

Monday, July 30, 2007


So today has been relatively uneventful. It stormed today and the electricity went out for what seemed like a really long time. It finally came back on later in the evening. Thank goodness! When I looked out my window I noticed that the tree that was hanging on a power line was cut down, however the people left a huge tree in our back yard. I am hoping that they will come back tommorrow and get it. On other topics I joined a gym today and I am really excited because I need lots of motivation and I think this is just the thing to do it. I was also able to make a new bag today. I really like it and hopefully lots of you out there will too. Here are some pictures! So, today's blog is titled motivation because the gym has definetely motivated me to become more active and live a healthier lifestyle, and making more purses is motivating me to grow my etsy shop and this tiny baby business. I hope you all out there are motivated to do what you love too!!!

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